
KOOKYE 3D Printer Parts MKS DLC32 Offline Controller 32bits WIFI GRBL for desktop laser engraving machine(only mainboard)

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EUR 38.39

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  • 1.The motherboard uses the ESP-32-WROOM-32U module,which embeds a dual-core 32-bit high-speed MCU with a clock up to 240MHz.And integrated WIFI, Bluetooth module ,the performance is very powerful .In addition , the module has a built-in 8M byte Flash memory chip ,which provides effective protecyion for more application scenarios .
  • 2.Thanks to the high-speed IO flip speed of the main control module and a powerful timer ,MKS DLC32 can achieve a very high-speed en-graving speed ,which we measured can reach 8000mm/min .
  • 3.The PWM frequency of MKS DLC32 can be as high as tens of KHz(the traditional scheme is lower than 980Hz ),which fully meets the needs of various semiconductor laser heads .The engraving effect is more delicate than the traditional desktop engraving scheme, and the grayscale expression is smoother.
  • 4.We has developed the WEB page of DLC32.As long as you log in the IP address of the motherboard with a browser on the LAN, you can perform various engraving operations , file transfers, etc .We has also developed a supporting mobile phone APP,which can edit pictures ,convert pictures into engraving files ,and transfer them to the main board in addition to conventional control.
  • 5.MKS DLC32 is compatible with GRBLasre and Lightburn computer host software .

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